Declaración de accesibilidad

Accessibility certificate document



This Certificate verifies that this site has been reviewed and tested by software developers and remediated to be meet standards set by the WCAG 2.1 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1) AA level. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) AA level covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible.

The WCAG 2.1 AA level guidelines include specific details on how to develop accessible Web content. This statement certifies that specific techniques were met for the Success Criterion detailed by WCAG. As a result your content has been made accessible to a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these. By implementing and adhering to these guidelines your site’s web content has also become more usable to users in general.

For more information on compliance guidelines see Understanding WCAG 2.1 and Techniques for WCAG 2.1.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology

Our mission goal is to be able to support the widest array of browsers and assistive technologies as possible.

We have therefore invested efforts to support popular systems with high market share, including Chrome, Firefox, edge, Opera and Safari VoiceOver on a MAC. We have also addressed JAWS and NVDA assistive technologies for Windows and MAC.

Accessibility modifications

Our team of developers, designers and content accessibility experts has reviewed, remediated and tested this website by performing multi-layer accessibility testing and analysis of the new and updated accessibility measures and web content. As part of the process adjustments were made that included Javascript & CSS work. The process also includes accessibility modifications for assistive technologies (eg. NVDA, JAWS etc.). Below is a complete list of accessibility modifications and functionalities made.

This site used 11 widgets.

Accessibility WidgetDescriptionLinks to WCAG 2.1 criteria
Shortcut Menu (Bypass Blocks)Provides a navigation menu at the top of each page that leads directly to main page areas2.
Ignore elementsIgonring or hiding unnecessary elements from tabindex sequence2.
Set AttributesSets HTML attributes to elements, includes ARIA-Roles attributes1.
DialogerMake dialogs (popups) accessible to keyboard navigation and screen readers2.
Tooltips / Hidden-textsAdding informative tooltips and injecting accessible hidden text without affecting the visual content1.
Forms WidgetsMake «fake» form elements accessible to keyboard navigation and screen readers2.
Force EventsSimulate necessary events to malefunctional elements2.
Pre JavascriptAdding pure Javascript code to fix miscellaneous accessibility issuesAll criteria
Miscellaneous toolsProvide accessibility tools with specific purposeAll criteria
Add JavascriptAdding pure Javascript code to fix miscellaneous accessibility issuesAll criteria
Add CssAdding pure CSS code to fix miscellaneous accessibility issues1.

Accessibility functions

The following is a detailed list of the remediation modifications made during the audit to make your website accessible.

  •  Enable keyboard navigation – a full accessibility component.
  •  Site adjustment for assistive technologies (eg. NVDA) – a full accessibility component.
  •  Stopping moving elements and blocking flickers – a full accessibility component.
  •  Ability to increase the site font to 4 different sizes.
  •  Change color contrast based on dark background.
  •  Change color contrast based on a light background.
  •  Matching and monochrome option for color blind people.
  •  Change the font for readability.
  •  Increase the cursor and change its color to black or white.
  •  Increase the display to 200%.
  •  Highlight links on the site.
  •  Highlighting headers on the site.
  •  Display an alternative description of the images.

We have made a concentrated effort to provide an accessibility option on all the pages of the website. It is possible that some pages on the site may not have been discovered, or the appropriate technological solution has not yet been found. We will continue our efforts to improve the site’s accessibility as we are committed to having a site that is accessible – friendly and can be used by the entire population, including people with disabilities.